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Tabox v3.5 is out

Today we submitted v3.5 of Tabox to the Chrome and Edge web stores.

After the approval process for each store is done, v3.5 will be automatically updated for all Chrome and Edge users.

v3.5 was designed to focus heavily on bugs and issues reported by users and help make the extension more stable.

The version includes the following:

New Features

  1. Keyboard shortcuts you can now use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl (or Cmd on mac) + Shift + 1 – 4 to open your each of your first 4 collections in Tabox. You can arrange the list of collections by dragging and dropping collections through the “handle” on the left side of each collection. Ctrl + Shift + 1 will open the first collection you have in the list, 2 will open the 2nd and so on.

  2. Save window size and position New collections being added in v3.5 or newer will also include window size and position information. When opening a collection with that info stored in it, will open the window in the same size and position on the screen it was when it was saved. Make sure that “open in a new window” is enabled for this to work.

Bug Fixes

  1. Importing collections from file would some time not work

  2. In some cases, users were not able to open collections

  3. Issue where enabling sync did not work for some users

  4. Saving a collection with apostrophe ( ‘ ) in the name would cause it to appear encoded

  5. Restoring last closed window or tab did not work in some cases

The full list of issues resolved for this version is available here.

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