Happy November ya'll!
Today we are releasing v3.5.8 of Tabox for Chrome and Edge browsers!
We took the time to listen to as much feedback as possible to create a version that will provide more stability and deliver better performance while also adding a feature or two!
In this version we addressed an issue that a number of users reported, where the Deferred tab loading would cause problems for some people.
We also added a better tab loading mechanism, tab counter option and a few more bug fixes!
The version is pending publish in both stores and will be out for everyone over the next few days.
Here are the full details:
Enhancement: Switched to a new way of deferring tab loading that is more stable and allows opening of tabs and windows from Tabox much faster.
New Feature: Tab Counter. When enabled in the settings menu, a badge will appear on the Tabox icon, showing how manny tabs you have open in your window. As that number grows bigger, Tabox will change the badge color to orange and then red, indicating it might be time to save those tabs to a collection, and close this busy window!
New Feature: When using auto updating collections option, if you click the manual 'Update' button, that collection will be marked as 'Active' and update the collection with any changes to this window. This option will need to be turned on in settings: "Click on 'Update' sets active".
Fixed: When a Chrome app was open in the background, tab groups would not get saved.
Fixed: When you saved a collection from a window opened in an external monitor, trying to open this collection when the monitor is not connected will result in the window being opened outside of the field of view.
We also improved the performance of the Tabox extension and the amount of memory it requires to run.
We would like to thank all our users who submitted feedback, bugs and feature requests - you are the ones who truly make Tabox great, thank you!